"The most important thing we can do for our horses is to educate ourselves the best we can on principles & factors of health & soundness." -loosie on Horseforum.com

Friday, April 1, 2011


So, the farrier visit has officially been pushed back until Sunday of this weekend, due to the fact that he is very booked. Also, the teeth floating appointment has been pushed to the middle of this month and is on a "we'll let you know" basis, for the same reason. That being said, progress is seemingly slow in more than just these aspects. I'm very worried about Tex. I think he's loosing weight on me, and the worms are back and I'm pushing for money. Ugh! One minute, I think he looks great, the next I think he looks terrible. I don't know what to think, my mind is going insane. I guess because he's not the only major priority. I'm supposed to be graduating next month 0_0   crazy I know...alot of pressures!!! Anyway, here are some recent pictures from this afternoon around 7.00: ( I know, I FINALLY got some shots of him doing something other than grazing lol)

You tell me what you think...skinnier or better?

I also have noticed a problem that I will be taking up with the farrier tomorrow...his leg, which does have scar tissue, seem swolen, and he is still stiff even with the joint supplement he is getting. I lounged him today, and consdered riding him before I saw the swelling, but I haven't had the heart to do so...not until I know he is 100% sound.

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