"The most important thing we can do for our horses is to educate ourselves the best we can on principles & factors of health & soundness." -loosie on Horseforum.com

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Worms, Worms, Worms,

Still battling the evil worms. I have used Ivamecterin, Safe Guard, and will soon be using Panacure. I have thought about daily dewormer, but the dosage to me, doesn't seem right. I think that's more for mantainance, than actually getting rid of the worms. I will also be talking to my vet about a possible fecal floatation, and trying to get my hands on the BIG dewormer that you have to use a calking gun with...should be fun lol. Until then, I have him on a regular schedule, twice a week, starting this week.

Texas however, despite the worms, is looking fantastic. You can't even feel the ribs, however the dip in his back is still prominant, but definately going away. He is a bit unthrifty appearing though, as his long coat is coming out, and I see a few spots of naked skin on his neck where I believe he either sratched it, or is developing sweet itch, which may have been what I thought was initially rain rot. Etither way, MTG is on the job!! I just hope is fur isn't coming out due to worms, and is simply his winter coat shedding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coming along nicely, Little Kitty. Keep up the great work, and enjoy that big boy. **hugs**
