"The most important thing we can do for our horses is to educate ourselves the best we can on principles & factors of health & soundness." -loosie on Horseforum.com

Friday, May 6, 2011

The World Seems Good :)

Texas is improving every day with more and more progress it seems. I was able to do a basic trim of his feet with the help of my best friend, Tweety, with absolutely no issues other than a troublesome looking back hoof. It's very overgrown and very cracked with a huge chunck missing. Thankfully, I have talked to a farrier who told me he is more than willing to help me work with him, and is well prepared for the feat ahead...I hope!! He sais he personally owns an off-tracker, and that his gelding, too, has issues with farriers. Must be a thoroughbred thing. Anyway, he said he's coming out tomorrow (Sat May 6, 2011) at 4pm, which, just happens to be the same time/date as the KENTUCKY DERBY!! Hell yes, I am going to have a derby party...what with Texas' background and all, it only seems fitting...not to mention I have always LOVED the Derby. I will be posting my picks for the Derby winner, as well as posting new pictures of Texas, as this is a very special day for him since his parents both raced on that track, as well as the fact that he has some winners in his lines (see my page: Texas: A History to learn more) and I will post pictures of his feet and the process the farrier takes me through also.

Since he has gained so much, I have been taking Tex on more rides. He is a very slow walker though and his canter is off, and I think it's due to his feet, so hopefully that will be fixed tomorrow. He has not spooked as of yet, and I think he is a very promising trail prospect, and with training would probably be just as good as Emma in the arena. I plan to take him on a real ride down Bermont when his feet are fixed since he is doing  so well. He has also, since he is feeling so much better, developed a bit of a repsect issue on the ground, and so I vow to work on that with him. I have even considered calling up a friend of mine who is a natural horsemanship trainer.  Tex is very impatient and doesn't like to stand, and if he wants to go somewhere, he will bulldoze me to get there. He's not skinny anymore- he's bulky, and so it's a little more intimidating, though I am not at all scared of him. But the situation needs to be cared for, none-the-less.

His coat is beautiful, and silky, and his full summer coat is in now. He's having problem with flies, so we are buying fly boots and sheets for him and the mares.

Other than that, the exciting day is tomorrow, so if you are following this blog, look forward to tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Worms, Worms, Worms,

Still battling the evil worms. I have used Ivamecterin, Safe Guard, and will soon be using Panacure. I have thought about daily dewormer, but the dosage to me, doesn't seem right. I think that's more for mantainance, than actually getting rid of the worms. I will also be talking to my vet about a possible fecal floatation, and trying to get my hands on the BIG dewormer that you have to use a calking gun with...should be fun lol. Until then, I have him on a regular schedule, twice a week, starting this week.

Texas however, despite the worms, is looking fantastic. You can't even feel the ribs, however the dip in his back is still prominant, but definately going away. He is a bit unthrifty appearing though, as his long coat is coming out, and I see a few spots of naked skin on his neck where I believe he either sratched it, or is developing sweet itch, which may have been what I thought was initially rain rot. Etither way, MTG is on the job!! I just hope is fur isn't coming out due to worms, and is simply his winter coat shedding.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Update

Haven't been on in forever!!

The farrier was a no-go, due to the fact that he is TERRIFIED of farriers...go figure. I now have to find either a new farrier, or some sort of like Sho-quiet or somthing to make him calm for the visit. Until then, he is doing fine. So fine, in fact, I felt confident enough to take him on a ride yesterday!!

I have officially decided that the art of "swirls" is true...the swirl or cowlick on Tex's forehead suggests that he has a very wide range of awareness, but a lack of focus. In otherwords, he's smart, but is essentially ADD. This fits him perfectly!! When we were riding, he was having a hard time focussing, but learned my cues very fast. He did three things yesterday that impressed me:

1) He learned my cues quickly
2) He wouldn't go into the flag pond when I asked him, but was easily led by rope into it and did not fight like Sam would have done. This tells me he is willing and trusting.
3)  He went to take off, and did, into a full out thoroughbred run, but instead of not being able to keep him under control, I was able to very quickly collect him into a nice canter. This would have been much more difficult on Emma. I now believe I could control him in an emergency.

Here are the pictures:

Friday, April 1, 2011


So, the farrier visit has officially been pushed back until Sunday of this weekend, due to the fact that he is very booked. Also, the teeth floating appointment has been pushed to the middle of this month and is on a "we'll let you know" basis, for the same reason. That being said, progress is seemingly slow in more than just these aspects. I'm very worried about Tex. I think he's loosing weight on me, and the worms are back and I'm pushing for money. Ugh! One minute, I think he looks great, the next I think he looks terrible. I don't know what to think, my mind is going insane. I guess because he's not the only major priority. I'm supposed to be graduating next month 0_0   crazy I know...alot of pressures!!! Anyway, here are some recent pictures from this afternoon around 7.00: ( I know, I FINALLY got some shots of him doing something other than grazing lol)

You tell me what you think...skinnier or better?

I also have noticed a problem that I will be taking up with the farrier tomorrow...his leg, which does have scar tissue, seem swolen, and he is still stiff even with the joint supplement he is getting. I lounged him today, and consdered riding him before I saw the swelling, but I haven't had the heart to do so...not until I know he is 100% sound.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It has been brought to my attention that some of my readers have been leaving comments. This is awsome, and I appreciate everything you guys- however, for some reason, I can neither see the comments, nor does it say that I have any. I promise I'm not being rude, I just honestly cannot see them. Hoping to get this fixed! Thank you for all the attention this blog is getting- it means alot to me AND Texas :)  <3

Anyone Recognize This Boy? :)

Look at the progress!! I know it's not quite 2 months, but I was looking at him this morning, and I just couldn't wait to post the progress!!!

Look at him!! I would never recognize him if I didn't know.

This is a picture of the dish in his back. It's almost un-noticable at certain angles (such as this one)

Rain Rot? What Rain Rot? Yea, baby, it's ALL peach fuzz :)  

All these pictures were taken this morning. He's on-and-off about how good he looks, it all depends on the angle you're looking at and such, but still, alot of progress. The only major problem I am having right now is pin worms...They aren't live, but it leaves this gross stuff behind, and I've tried deworming him, but it hasn't gone away. Anyone got any ideas?

Today I bought another round of Dewormer, and the lady suggested I buy a daily-dewormer. I've been considering it, but now I know 100% it's the thing that I am going to do.

Also, for his joint stiffness, I have bought Sho-Flex. It is the same people that make Sho-Glow, so I'm hoping to see some good results!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Personality Much??

So, I'm here to tell the world about how officially attatched I am to this horse....

Oh my God, where to begin...I suppose I'll begin with the absolute angelic look he has had on his face lately. He's really starting to shine, and not just on the outside, but on the inside as well! Always the first one to greet me when I come out to see everyone, and he doesn't really leave- he'll usually just stand there and chill with me until something else becomes more important, like food, or a noise across the street :)

And today, I felt like going on a ride...it was around 6ish, going on 7, and I had Emma's bridle in my hand, but I wasn't really sure who I wanted to ride. All of a sudden Texas comes up and sniffs the bridle, and starts following me around, and I almost got the feeling that HE wanted to go on a ride. I didn't ride afterall, because I really wanted to take him, but I was going to feel bad if it ended up that he didn't want to go on a ride afterall.

So instead, I just sat on the porch with him at my side- giving him tons of kisses. He's a great kisser ;)  Lol jk :) However, I won't lie- I litterally get butterflies from this horse; he makes me so proud and happy that he's mine :) 

He's very funny though- he's a typical boy. I guess he had laid down in his stall today, because he had tons of shavings in his fur, so I was going to brush it all out and groom him real nice. So I got my grooming kit out, and went to go brush him, and like a typical little boy, he didn't want anything to do with being groomed. The girls sat there for an hour getting all prettied up, like the girls they are, but dirty boy didn't want anything to do with it lol. Cute right?

I've decided that I need to get some joint supplement for him, and everyone else really, since he seems to still be really stiff, even with all the weight and overall health that he has gained. I know he feels better, but that would probably make him feel MUCH better, along with the farrier coming out, hopefully tomorrow.

I also took note tonight of the herd complex- Tex fits in SO well, it's unbelievable. I was really nervous about bringing another horse in, as I was afraid they would bully Samone as has happened in the past. But in this little herd, Samone, thankfully, is the Alpha mare, and Tex is Alpha boy, leaving Emma the Omega. However, she handles herself just fine, and doesn't get pushed around too terribly- and they all let her in on everything. Its funny because, Sam can boss around everyone, Texas can boss around Emma, and Emma can only boss Texas when Samone is around. It's funny how things work around here, but I'm very pleased with how well everyone gets along.

Other than that, all seems well :) We are a happy little family.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Big Weekend!!

So tomorrow is Friday (TGIF!!) and I have alot planned for this weekend!!

First of all, tomorrow kicks off the anual Airshow (the highlight all year in my small little town and small local airport) with the night show. Being so close to the airport, I will be watching it from my front yard, as the runway/land strip is litterally only half a block away. This will also be a test to see just how "BOMBproof" Texas is, as there will literally be fake bombs going off! Fun right? We'll see....

Also, I will be setting an appointment up for my doctor to look at me knee...it's getting worse- I can't even go on long rides without having to slip my feet out of the stirrups for a while and today it was non-stop pain :(

The farrier will be coming out to do Tex's feet, in which I will be doing a before and after for all to see.

Emma will be accompanying me and my buddies and their horses on Sunday at the Griffeth Reserve for a fun ride, which I am really looking forward to.

Other than buying feed, and another round of dewormer, that should be about it for my weekend!

Can't wait!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, I've decided to change some things on the blog and I have to say it looks pretty darn good!! I'm proud of it- let me know what you think! I thrive on comments and suggestions, which goes for the rest of my postings as well:

COMMENT, COMMENT COMMENT :)  Please and Thank You! <3

Also, new updates coming soon! This week, I have planned a post on a few things, including before/after of hooves, a story on his current health situations, lots of new pictures and next week will be his 2 month evaluation- before and after! Lots of new things coming, don't lose hope in me! haha :) 

Texas meeting Dosie- my best freinds horse, for the first time :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rain Rot

So, I'm very happy that the rain rot is going away!!
When I first saw him, it was coming out in clumps, but the amount of skin shown was minimal. When I went to pick him up the next week, it had spread throughout his entire shoulder and down his leg and to some random other spots as well because the girl didn't do anything for him!!

I first bathed him every day using Mane n' Tail medicated shampoo, which claims to treat it but I really didn't see any results. I have now started using MTG. It hasn't spread, and the hair seems to be growing back! Here are pictures:



Sun Bathing

Today is rather hot....around 86 degrees or so. It's 12.30, and almost the hottest part of day. I didn't want to ride at this time of day, and everyone was grazing anyway, so I decided to grab one of the horse blankets and lay them down on the ground to sun bathe. As a lay there, about to fall asleep I feel sort of cool- the sun was gone! A cloud? I opened my eyes and a big, bay head was above me, sniffing me. I laughed and tickled his muzzle and continued to shut my eyes. Not a moment later, I felt a hoof graze my shoulder! He was pawing at me! It wasn't hard like he was stepping on me or trying to hurt me or being careless, it was a very cute, but quite deliberate and gentle (as gentle as a horse hoof can be) "whatcha doin' down there?" I woke up and went through the back door and got a piece of bread for him. I stroked his head, which was still caked with the morning's mushy breakfast mash. He sniffed Red, my beautiful male rednose pit who was with me, looking for some more to eat. Then turned to leave with one last "are you sure there isn't anymore?" look. I love this horse! He is so dang cute!! All I can remember is when he didn't have a personality. When I first got him home, his eyes were dull...all I can describe it as, is "a horse on auto-pilot." He was so out of it, and to see him do stuff like this just makes my heart feel good. These are pictures from today...

You can see that he has started filling out better....his ragged winter coat is still coming out, though. Can't wait for it to go!
 Tex being curious and putting his nose up to the camera....
 Tex grazing with my little Samone <3

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Somewhere in sunny Tampa, Florida, a reputable breeder sold two colts to a man. Thousands of dollars were paid to buy and care for these future athletes. One, a bay colt named Texas, was out of a champion racer, who held well over $800,000.00 in earnings and more than $1,000,000.00 in offspring earnings. On the track he went, running as fast as he could. Always first out of the gate, holding first until the last half of the track where he couldn't run anymore and would give way. The owner was frustrated; a little over $8,000.00 in earnings was not enough to cover the costs going into the four year old colt. He had no choice; the colt had to go.

Texas was sent to an auction house where a lady with more horses than she could care for (around 50) bought him and took him home that day. The gorgeous, muscley athlete turned to skin and bones within a year. A girl in Sarasota found him and another thoroughbred, a filly, and took them home. She tried to put weight on him, but he was beaten. He had learned to windsuck which was killing his teeth and his appetite. His fur was oily and falling out in clumps accompanying a bad case of rainrot. His hooves were in terrible condition, and his body a wreck. He could barely walk. His eyes were dull and you could tell he wasn't there.

I happened to be shopping on craigslist one day in search of a new horsey-parnter. My arabian mare is gallant and strong, but still not-arguably old. She may act 3, but she's not. Samone needed to retire, despite how much she may protest to that. So, with a heavy, yet some-what excited heart, I searched the site endlessly. I didn't want much; I didn't expect much. I only had $200.00 from a previous livestock sale I had made, and usually that amount only produces older "pasture pretties" or supposed "green-broke" horses that no one else wants to deal with. I happen to thrive on these project horses. However, I wasn't prepared for what I got myselft into....

We all see it on T.V; the ASPCA commercials with some sad song and black and white photos of diseased and distressed animals left in an irresponsible owners hands. However, when I went to the property to go see this horse, and she said he was skinny, I didn't expect this. My mare had been skinny due to a very, very bad case of diarrhea. She was older and was not an easy keeper anyway, but I brought her back around. I thought this would be no different. I paid her up front and went to see the horse, and at first I didn't think he was that bad....until I brought him home.....

This is the story of Northern Texas- a registered off-track thoroughbred related to the best- including Secretariat, Man O' War and yes, even Seabuiscuit. A could-have-been champion dropped into the hands of a 17 year old girl. This blog is my chance to reach out to people. None of the information I now have was given to me- I reasearched it all. This horse and his story is coming around through hard work, and I believe it's about time people work in this country and take care of things the way they are supposed to. This horse should have been something special. (He is to me....but that's different :P)   This blog may not get followers, but at least I can say that I am making an effort to make a difference, not only in Tex's life, but in the lives of other horses and animals like him.